Sunset Stories with Tanya Manley

Stories of love, persistence & strength of families on their grief journeys

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Friday Mar 15, 2024

Are you struggling with intimacy after child loss? Then, this episode is for you!  Unlike other emotions, grief can keep a tight grip on our everyday life in both sensical and surprising ways. For instance, intimate and sexual feelings may be harder to come by naturally while you are in grief, and it may different between woman and men. Some go months, maybe years without having the desire. However, on occasion it can heighten the desire. One or both partners may experience an increased need for physical intimacy. On this episode are six women from all walks of life that discuss their journey and things that have helped them, we hope you find them helpful and that you are NOT alone. I'd like to thank them for their honesty, transparency and deep yearning to help others that are grieving trying to navigate through this horrible journey we never asked to be a part. We hope through these series and panel discussions, we can help each other heal together. As always, sending you love and light! 

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Enter the emotional and poignant world of Linda Henderson's heart-wrenching memoir, "The Road of Love and Hope." Through vivid and candid storytelling, Linda takes us on a journey of the unthinkable - the loss of her beloved daughter, Andrea, in a tragic car accident. The book unfolds with a striking account of Linda's life, one that was filled with joy, contentment, and everything she could have wanted, until fate took an unfathomable turn.
Through raw experience, Linda's journey takes us through the full spectrum of grief with complex emotions she experienced, from the initial shock and disbelief to the overwhelming fear and anxiety that engulfed her. With deep introspection and honesty, Linda delves into the impact that the tragedy had on her relationships with her husband, children, and the community at large. She shares her struggles with depression and how she found the strength to cope with these challenges and pave a way forward. Her story is an epitome how grief can be transformed into a legacy of love teaching the readers valuable guidance and management of emotions.
Ultimately, "The Road of Love and Hope" is a testament to the unbreakable bond of a mother's love for her daughter and the immeasurable power of resilience in the face of unimaginable tragedy. It is a captivating and inspiring story that will leave readers moved and inspired to cherish the love they have in their lives.

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Our guests  Bryan & Paula Hill share their story of navigating their grief journey, marriage and life after losing their son Austin after a motorcycle accident in 2022. Bryan and Paula met in 2001. Bryan came into the marriage to a pre-made family open minded but extremely clueless what he was getting into. They married 9 short months later. 3 kids aging 15 months to 7 years old and a mom that just wanted to do the right thing. They moved from Kansas to Florida in 2002 where they bonded with their kids and found their family values. 2005 the family moved to Texas where the kids began to feel the roots growing as home. Austin was their middle child, battled mental health since middle school just trying to find who he was and where he fit in. Paula writes "He had a heart for music and art and was self-taught in both. He became an amazing young man becoming a family man, raising a child and pursuing his dream of tattooing and so much more. We couldn't be prouder of who my son Austin is and what an impact he left on this world"!
To honor our son's life Austin's Sunshine Foundation started February 2023 "what we knew was we had a purpose and that was to keep Austin's light going in other people's darkness". " That meant using his loss to help us and others". So, we created the foundation to walk alongside families that lose young adults ages 18 to 26 in motorcycle or auto accidents. We have found that parents have appreciated us and our story. We have placed memorial signs out in their child's memory, we have purchased food for families that just can't think about food at the moment and so much more. We are coming up on 1 year anniversary and can't wait to see what God is going to do. We share our story with complete transparency, the good, the bad and the very ugly in hopes that it will be an inspiration to other grieving parents that they are not alone and there's a whole grief community out there ready to support and walk with them through this difficult journey.
Never take life for granted.
Value every breath you take!

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Our guests Bryan & Paula Hill share their story of navigating their grief journey, marriage and life after losing their son Austin after a motorcycle accident in 2022. Bryan and Paula met in 2001. Bryan came into the marriage to a pre-made family open minded but extremely clueless what he was getting into. They married 9 short months later. 3 kids aging 15 months to 7 years old and a mom that just wanted to do the right thing. They moved from Kansas to Florida in 2002 where they bonded with their kids and found their family values. 2005 the family moved to Texas where the kids began to feel the roots growing as home. Austin was their middle child, battled mental health since middle school just trying to find who he was and where he fit in. Paula writes "He had a heart for music and art and was self-taught in both. He became an amazing young man becoming a family man, raising a child and pursuing his dream of tattooing and so much more. We couldn't be prouder of who my son Austin is and what an impact he left on this world"!
To honor our son's life Austin's Sunshine Foundation started February 2023 "what we knew was we had a purpose and that was to keep Austin's light going in other people's darkness". " That meant using his loss to help us and others". So, we created the foundation to walk alongside families that lose young adults ages 18 to 26 in motorcycle or auto accidents. We have found that parents have appreciated us and our story. We have placed memorial signs out in their child's memory, we have purchased food for families that just can't think about food at the moment and so much more. We are coming up on 1 year anniversary and can't wait to see what God is going to do. We share our story with complete transparency, the good, the bad and the very ugly in hopes that it will be an inspiration to other grieving parents that they are not alone and there's a whole grief community out there ready to support and walk with them through this difficult journey.
Never take life for granted.
Value every breath you take!
All reactions:
8You, Jason Tuttle, Linda Wesley Henderson and 5 others

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Maya is the host and founder of The Surviving Siblings Podcast as well as the co-founder of The Surviving Siblings Summit. Maya launched her podcast in March of 2022 telling the story of her then five year grief journey after losing her brother to a homicide in November of 2016.
Now, Maya has five seasons of the podcast on air and shares the stories of her fellow bereaved siblings. She shares their stories to give hope to all the bereaved siblings out there and to let them know that they are not alone. Maya believes that grief is like a snowflake and no two experiences or feelings are exactly the same. However, we can all connect, learn, and grow through sharing our stories.
Maya has also published a grief journal, The Grief Guide for Surviving Siblings, created merchandise for siblings, and continues to advocate on behalf of surviving siblings on a daily basis. If you know someone struggling with the loss of a sibling send them this podcast and connect them to Maya! 

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Maya is the host and founder of The Surviving Siblings Podcast as well as the co-founder of The Surviving Siblings Summit. Maya launched her podcast in March of 2022 telling the story of her then five year grief journey after losing her brother to a homicide in November of 2016.
Now, Maya has five seasons of the podcast on air and shares the stories of her fellow bereaved siblings. She shares their stories to give hope to all the bereaved siblings out there and to let them know that they are not alone. Maya believes that grief is like a snowflake and no two experiences or feelings are exactly the same. However, we can all connect, learn, and grow through sharing our stories.
Maya has also published a grief journal, The Grief Guide for Surviving Siblings, created merchandise for siblings, and continues to advocate on behalf of surviving siblings on a daily basis. If you know of someone struggling with the loss of a sibling, please share this and Maya's podcast with them!

Grief 2 Hope with Hope Reger

Friday Jan 26, 2024

Friday Jan 26, 2024

On this Episode of Sunset Stories podcast I'm so excited to have on Hope Reger! Hope Reger lives in Ohio with her husband Mike, she has two sons Brian, 34 and Justin, forever 19 and three amazing granddaughters! Hope believes her purpose in life was given to her after the traumatic loss of her son to murder. That purpose is to provide positivity, inspiration, and hope to others through her Grief 2 Hope program she created in honor of her son. Grief 2 Hope is a virtual peer grief support group that allows grievers a safe space to be their authentic self with support of others who understand and know exactly what they are going through. One of Hope's quotes she likes to end each session with is " Grief changes your entire world, it can also inspire you to change the world".
For more details you can find Hope and Grief 2 Hope on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram as well as her website  

Friday Jan 19, 2024

On the next Episode of Sunset Stories podcast we discuss grief with a father and full-time caregiver to his son Zachary. Jason writes: I am a married father that was blessed with a son that was/is beautiful, gentle soul that was brought into this world with vastly greater purpose than I could have ever imagined. My son was born with a multitude of cognitive and physical disabilities. I was his medical caregiver as a stay-at-home parent for 12 years and as a working parent for the remainder of his time with us. My son was born with a rare condition called Eagle-Barrette Syndrome, severe neurological delays, and Epilepsy/Seizures. He was also nonverbal and needed a wheelchair for mobility but could walk with assistance. My son lived a medically hard life, but he always did it with a smile on his face, love in his heart, and a hug waiting for anyone who would accept it from him. My son was and still is my world. Unfortunately, God decided his purpose was done and He called him home on January 28, 2022, at 10:34 am. Since that day, I have made it my purpose to continue his loving legacy through my public, grief journaling. It is through the words he inspires me to write that I have I have started my personal crusade to help as many fellow grievers as possible of all ages and situations deal with the hardest day of their lives and deal with the vastness of the lifelong journey that grief has invited them to join. I publish my letters to him in my Facebook page Letters to Zachary.

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

 Linda Triplett, Michelle Barbuto, Melissa Hatcher, Lenny Hunt & Paula Bloom are all on tonight! I can’t believe it’s been one year since I acted on these urges to share my grief and create a safe space for others to do so. We are switching things up a bit with this episode and thought it would be a great time to bring back some of our guests to discuss some Myths about grief. Although the way we all lost our children is different, the stories, dates and details. The common thing that bonds us is child loss. 
The grief of my past has felt very present the past few months even though I am in year two of the death of my son CJ. Maybe it’s because fall was approaching his birthday and mine, our favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. No matter what the year brought about with his mental illness we would come together in the fall and celebrate our family. Maybe it was the compound grief of being my dad’s caregiver the last five months and him passing in October this year!
I would think I was doing ok and then suddenly I was not. 
Grief is a human experience, no one can escape it but more often than not the care, support and compassion we receive is less than human at least after for me it has been and so many others that I talk to. However, when I surround myself or reach out to the people on this panel, I feel seen heard and loved. Perhaps it’s because we realize we are living everyone’s worst nightmare. We have been walking this path alongside each other and been a support system in one way or another. So, let’s dive in to these 5 Myth’s about Grief! Myths about Grief- Are they true?
1. If you ignore grief, it will go away?2. Grief always ends after a specific amount of time.3. Everyone grieves the same way.4. The grieving process is always linear.5. You can only grieve the loss of a loved one.
Wherever you are on you are on your grief journey I hope these stories provide you some help as you walk the lonely road of grief. Remember you are never alone! 
In a world full of darkness. Be a Light!

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

Toni Filipone shares her journey through navigating grief and how she discovered even after 20 years of being a personal development coach, traveling the world and speaking in front of 70,000 people that she was at a loss in her grief after her partner took her own life. This book gives you ways to retrain your brain in grief mode and gives the grieving hope that there is a life after loss. Everyone needs a  Coach T in their life. You can thank me later! 


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